Events for 2025
The next Guild Exhibition will be held in St. Peters Church, Malborough from Jul 10 - 13, 2025 - see Exhibitions for details.
(8 November 2024)
Members' Monthly Meetings
are held at either Hook Village Hall (SN4 8EA) or Broad Town Village Hall (SN4 7RL).
The programme is varied and includes painting evenings, mini workshops, demonstrations by visiting artists* and Guild members, in addition to the Annual General Meeting.
Monthly meeting dates for 2025:
BROAD TOWN Sat 15 February 9.45am - 1.00pm |
Annual General Meeting Members only. Those attending are invited to bring some buffet items to share. The meeting will begin at 10am and will be followed by a buffet and an auction of unwanted/unused art materials, books and equipment. Please bring anything you wish to donate for the auction. |
HOOK Mon 17 March 7:15 - 9:15pm Fee £3 members £5 non-members |
Open Meeting Demonstration by Susanna Gilmore-Powell Oils view some examples of Susanna's work.. |
HOOK Mon 21 April 7:15 - 9:15pm |
Members only Workshop facilitated by Jenny Pepper Sketching and/or painting using water soluble pens, pencils or crayons (Jenny will provide a selection of materials to try). |
HOOK Mon 19 May 7:15 - 9:15pm |
Members only Workshop facilitated by Sonia Leggett A folded-book structure, with ideas and instructions for paper decoration. |
HOOK Mon 16 June 7:15 - 9:15pm Fee £3 members £5 non-members |
Open Meeting Demonstration by Tim Baynes Landscape in Acrylics with preparatory sketches. |
HOOK Mon 21 July 7:15 - 9:15pm |
Members only Workshop Simplify: draw or paint a picture in the style of Peter Sheeler view some ideas. |
HOOK Mon 18 August 7:15 - 9:15pm |
Members only Workshop Splash, Splatter, Drip and Pour using any appropriate medium. |
HOOK Mon 15 September 7:15 - 9:15pm |
Members only Workshop Abstraction produce an abstract painting in any medium but using only straight lines. |
HOOK Mon 20 October 7:15 - 9:15pm |
Members only Workshop Lifting Out create a background in graphite, charcoal, pastel or watercolour and use an eraser or water to “lift out” your subject. |
HOOK Sat 15 November 1:30 - 4:30pm |
Topic To Be Arranged |
BROAD TOWN Sat 13 December 9.30am - 1.30pm |
Christmas Painting workshop:
This is just a usual Broad Town painting workshop, but with a ‘bring and share’ buffet to enjoy throughout the session. |
* Demonstrations by outside artists are usually open to visitors and these are marked as "Open" events.
** Members only workshops, we hope you will enjoy the published topics but if you want to bring something else to work on in the company of other members then that is OK too!.
All Guild members attending Workshops will be expected to help set-up and/or clean tables that are used and help clean the other hall areas that need to be wiped over at the start and end of each session.
There is no longer a requirement to wear a mask in the Hall unles you wish to because you are vulnerable. Attendees are requested to have a mask available if possible to wear if conversing with a vulnerable member.
Social distancing should be maintained as far as reasonable.
If you need further information about our events or workshops, please don't hesitate to contact us by sending an email to the Programme Team .
Broad Town Workshops (non-members welcome)
9.30 am - 1.30 pm, Broad Town Village Hall.
Two day-time painting workshops are held each month (one on a Friday, another on a Saturday). These take place at the Village Hall in Broad Town (just outside Wootton Bassett) and are open to members at a cost of £3 per person and non-members at a cost of £5 per person. Note that these are untutored workshops, just bring your own materials and whatever you are working on and paint or draw in the company of other members.
Bring your own refreshments. Face masks are no longer required when entering and moving around the hall. However please have one available for interactions with more vulnerable members if requested.
Upcoming Dates for 2025 are as follows:*note: VP dates are also scheduled Viewing Panels for prospective new members.
Feb 7 | Feb 22 |
Mar 7 | Mar 22 |
Apr 4 | Apr 19 *VP |
May 2 | May 17 |
Jun 6 | Jun 21 |
Jul 4 | Jul 19 *VP |
Aug 1 | Aug 16 |
Sep 5 | Sep 20 |
Oct 3 | Oct 18 *VP |
Nov 7 | Nov 22 |
Dec 5 | Dec 13 Christmas Painting Workshop see Monthly Meetings for info. |
Directions: Broad Town Village Hall is situated on the main road through the village, on the left hand side as you begin to go up the hill towards Broad Hinton, and almost opposite Pye Lane. See map below.
Exhibition Dates
2025 - Summer Exhibition in Marlborough
Thursday July 10 to Sunday July 13.
2025 - Autumn Exhibition in Malmesbury
Saturday August 30 to Thursday September 11.
Round-up of The Summer Exhibition 2024
The Summer Exhibition was shown in St Peter's Church, Marlborough Thursday July 8 to Sunday July 14. You can see some pictures from the exhibition in the slideshow below.